
Passive Device

Passive Device (3)
Passive Device (2)
Passive Device (1)
Passive Device (4)
Passive Device (3)
Passive Device (2)
Passive Device (1)
Passive Device (4)

Passive Device

Passive components are electronic devices that do not require an external power source to operate. These components, such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transformers, perform essential functions in electronic circuits. Resistors control the flow of current, capacitors store electrical energy, inductors oppose changes in current, and transformers convert voltages from one level to another. Passive components play a vital role in stabilizing circuits, filtering noise, and matching impedance levels. They are also used to shape signals and manage power distribution within electronic systems. Passive components are reliable and durable, making them an essential part of any electronic circuit design.

  • Application: They play an indispensable role in power management, wireless communication, automotive electronics, industrial automation and other fields.
  • Provide brands: LUBANG partners with a number of industry renowned manufacturers to provide you with high-quality passive components, Brands include AVX, Bourns, Cornell Dubilier, Kemet, KOA, Murata, Nichicon, TDK, TE Connectivity, TT electronics, Vishay, Yageo and others.

Product Comparison



  • 1206 (3.2mm x 1.6mm)

  • 1.5nF

  • 1kV

  • ±10%

  • X7R (-55°C to +125°C)

  • Varies with frequency and capacitance

  • Specified in datasheet

  • Specified in datasheet

  • Specified in datasheet

  • Specified in datasheet



  • Package Size

  • Capacitance

  • Rated Voltage

  • Tolerance

  • Temperature Coefficient

  • ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance)

  • Leakage Current

  • Insulation Resistance

  • Operating Temperature Range

  • Lifetime



  • 1812 (4.5mm x 3.2mm)

  • 100nF

  • 630V

  • ±10%

  • X7R (-55°C to +125°C)

  • Varies with frequency and capacitance

  • Specified in datasheet

  • Specified in datasheet

  • Specified in datasheet

  • Specified in datasheet

Product Description

Number of floors Multi-layer structure design, can be customized according to demand
Materials High quality insulating materials, such as polyimide, glass fiber, etc
Plate thickness Wide range, can be selected according to application requirements
Copper thickness High purity copper material with adjustable thickness
Minimum cable width/spacing Fine line design, micron level
Minimum hole size Advanced drilling technology to achieve small aperture
Aspect ratio Excellent aspect ratio to meet complex circuit layout
Maximum plate size Available in different sizes according to customer requirements
Product advantage High reliability, long life, low loss, etc

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